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List of 9 technical milestones to be concerned in 2022
Source: UST WIRELESS Release time:21/01/2021
With the new opening of the 1200 MHz spectrum in the 6 GHz band and the addition of a third band based on the more familiar 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, Wi Fi is bound to speed up significantly. The newly opened band is called Wi Fi 6e because it extends the Wi Fi capability to the 6 GHz band.

Generally speaking, the higher the radio frequency, the higher the data capacity, but the shorter the coverage distance. 6 GHz Wi Fi is expected to be used in high traffic environments such as offices and public hotspots because of its higher frequency. The Wi Fi Alliance launched the Wi Fi 6e certification program in January 2021, and the first batch of 6e routers were also available at the end of that year. A large number of smartphones supporting Wi Fi 6e are expected to be available in 2022.
In the past century, the National Aeronautical Association (NAA) of the United States will host a nationwide aircraft competition for the first time. However, unlike the National Aviation competition in the 1920s, the Pulitzer electric aircraft race scheduled for May 19 will be limited to electric propulsion aircraft, including fixed wing aircraft and helicopters.

The competition is limited to 25 participants, and each aircraft must have a pilot on board. The race will begin in Omaha and end in mandio, North Carolina, four days later, near the site of the Wright brothers’ first flight. According to the National Aeronautics Association of America, the multi-day national competition aims to force participants to deal with the security problems that still plague electric aircraft, such as range, battery charging, reliability and speed.
Although the definitions are different, the basic idea of the meta universe is to combine virtual reality and augmented reality with real reality. The Seoul government of South Korea has also joined the tide of meta universe and plans to develop a "meta universe platform" by the end of 2022.

In order to build the first public meta universe platform, Seoul will invest 3.9 billion won (US $3.3 million). The platform will provide public services and cultural activities, starting from a virtual reality portal - "yuanuniverse 120 center", to help citizens solve problems that can only be solved by going to the city hall before. Other planning projects also include the virtual exhibition hall of the school curriculum and the digital exhibition of Deshou palace. The project is expected to be completed in 2026.

Taiwan, China integrated circuit manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC) plans to start producing 3nm semiconductor chips in the second half of 2022. The current industry standard is a 5-nanometer chip.

TSMC will use an effective semiconductor structure called fin field effect transistor (FinFET) to make its 3-nanometer chip.

Meanwhile, Samsung and Intel are turning to another finfet3 nanotechnology called nanosheet. TSMC eventually plans to give up the only 3-nanometer chip customer in 2022, which was once apple, whose chips were used in the latter’s iPhone 14. However, due to supply chain problems, it is uncertain whether TSMC can produce enough chips (to ensure greater design flexibility) to meet Apple’s order requirements.

China plans to build the Tiangong space station in 2022. The space station is China’s first long-term space habitat. Its predecessor is Tiangong-1 and tiangong-2 space stations, which were in orbit from 2011 to 2018 and 2016 to 2019 respectively.
The core module of the new space station will be launched in April 2021. Another 10 missions before the end of 2022 will transport other components and modules and complete the on orbit construction of the space station. In addition to the core module, the final space station will have two experimental modules. The orbital height of Tiangong is roughly the same as that of the international space station, but its mass is only about 1/5 of that of the international space station.
The forward search experiment of CERN - Faser will be launched in July 2022. The exact start-up date will depend on when the large hadron collider will resume proton proton collisions after three years of planned upgrade and maintenance. Faser will start searching for dark matter and other particles that interact extremely weakly with "normal" matter.
CERN is a basic physics research center located near Geneva. Four main detectors are installed in its Large Hadron Collider, but they are not suitable for detecting dark matter. Facer will not attempt to detect particles directly; Instead, it will search for standard model particles with stronger interactions when dark matter interacts with other matter.
This new detector was built during the shutdown of the collider from 2018 to 2021. Located 480 meters "downstream" of the atlas detector, user will also search for a large number of neutrinos produced by particle collisions in the LHC loop. So far, other CERN detectors have not detected such neutrinos.
In August, 2022, NASA will launch the psyche exploration mission to send a deep space orbiter to psyche, a strange metal asteroid between Mars and Jupiter. Although the main purpose of this exploration is to study the origin of the asteroid psyche, it will also conduct a future deep space communication experiment.
The deep space optical communication (DSOC) experiment will test whether the laser can transmit signals outside the lunar orbit. Optical signals, such as those used in submarine optical cables, can transmit more data than radio signals, but their application in space is hampered because it is difficult to accurately align light beams over long distances. Deep space optical communication will use a 4-watt infrared laser with a wavelength of 1550 nm (the same as that used in many optical fibers) to send optical signals at multiple distance points during the journey to the asteroid psyche.
EDP, a Portuguese power company based in Lisbon, is expected to start operating a 3MW green hydrogen power plant in Brazil by the end of 2022. Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced in a sustainable way. It uses solar or wind energy electrolyzer to decompose water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. According to the International Energy Agency, only 0.1% of hydrogen is produced in this way.
The plant will use solar PV to replace existing coal-fired power generation and produce hydrogen, which can be used in fuel cells. EDP’s $7.9 million pilot project is just the tip of the iceberg of green hydrogen. Energix energy has announced plans to build a $5.4 billion green hydrogen power plant in Ceara, Brazil, the state where the EDP power plant under construction is located. A report released by research dive in november2021 predicted that the market revenue of green hydrogen would be close to $10billion by 2028.
The low temperature energy storage company highview power’s Carrington plant near Manchester, UK, will start operation this year. Low temperature energy storage is a method of long-term storage of electric energy by cooling the air until it is liquefied (about -196 ℃).
Crucially, this technology can cool the air when electricity prices are low (such as at night) and store it until the peak of electricity demand. The liquid air is then heated and boiled into gas, driving a turbine to generate electricity. The 50 GW /250 GHz Carrington plant will be the first commercial plant of highview power to use low-temperature storage technology, which is called "cryobattery".
Highview power plans to build a similar plant in Vermont, but the timing is not yet clear.
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